Rabu, 17 Januari 2018



Sekolah                       : SMPN 1 Junjung Sirih
Mata pelajaran             : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : IX/1
Topic                           : Asking for Repetition
Alokasi waktu             : 2 X 40 menit
Aspek skill                  : Listening

     I.     Standar Kompetensi
1.      Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

      II.Kompetensi Dasar
1.2.  Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tuturberikut meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman

·      Mengidentifikasi ungkapan meminta pengulangan dengan dapat dipercaya, rasa hormat dan perhatian serta tekun
·      Merespon ungkapan meminta pengulangan dengan dapat dipercaya, rasa hormat dan perhatian serta tekun.
   IV.Tujuan Pembelajaran
·       Setelah mendengarkan ungkapan tentang pengulangan peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan meminta pengulangan dengan menjawab pertanyaan dan melengkapi kalimat rumpang.

      V.Materi Ajar
Asking for repetition is Asking the other speaker to repeat what was said
In formal situation
In informal situation
-          Would you mind repeating what you just said?
-          Would you repeat what you said?
-          Could you repeat what you just said?
-          Could you speak a little louder?
-          Could you speak up, please?
-          Pardon me?
-          I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the last word
-          I’m sorry?
-          Excuse me?
-          What did you say?
-          What was that?
-          Can you repeat that?
-          Sorry, I didn’t catch that
-          Sorry, what did you say?
-          I beg your pardon?
-          What?
-          Pardon?
-          Sorry?
-          Mmm?

   VI.    Metode pembelajaran
-          Listening activity
-          Question answer
-          Giving assignment

     VII.     Classroom procedures
a.      Pre teaching
·         Teacher greets the students
·         Teacher makes brainstorming that related with the topic.
·         Who is absent today?
·         I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the last word
·         Teacher explains the material that relates to the topic.
b.      Whilst teaching

·         Teacher sticks the incomplete dialogue on the board.
Receptionist   : 1)__________________________
Mr. Jhon        : I’d like to book two rooms
Receptionist   : your name please?
Mr. Jhon        : 2)_________________________
Receptionist   :3)__________________________
Mr. Jhon        : JOHN ROBERT
Receptionist   : 4)_________________________
Mr. Jhon        : jl. Bundo kanduang no. 17 Padang
Receptionist   : okay, 5)___________________
Mr. Jhon        : thank you
·         Teacher asks the students to fill the blanks sentences after listens to the teacher.
·         Teacher reads the complete dialogue in the three times
·         Teacher asks the students to begin filling the blank
·         Teacher asks the students to write their answer on the board
·         Teacher discusses students’ answer
ü  What can I do for you, Sir?
ü  Jhon Robert
ü  I beg your pardon, please
ü  Your address
ü  You get rooms 10 and 11

·         Teacher asks some difficult words around the dialogue
·         Teacher gives meaning by using contextual example
·         Teacher asks some question to the students
-          The dialog take place in a ...
-          Mr. Jhon is booking ... rooms, one is for him and another one is for his children
-          Where does Mr. Jhon live?
-          How many children does Mr. Jhon have?
-          What does the receptionist say to ask Mr. Jhon to repeat his words?
·         Teacher asks the students to answer the question orally
·         Teacher discusses students’ answer
ü Hotel
ü Two
ü Jl. Bundo kanduang no. 17 Padang
ü Two
ü I beg your pardon, please
·         Give positive feedback toward students’ achievement by saying:
-          Good
-          Very good
·         Check the students’ understanding about the topic.
            - Do you understand about topic today?
            - Can you use the expression?
            - Pardon, please?
            - Any question?
c.       Post teaching
·         Teacher concludes the topic with the students.
·         Teacher gives homework

·       LKS “Competent Students for IX Grade”.
·       Teacher’s creation

Teknik penilaian    : Tes lisan
Bentuk                : Isian singkat

      X.     INSTRUMENT
Answer the question bellow!!
1.      Dia      : it’s very hot today. Would you switch on the air conditioner, please
Edi       : I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the last word, could you say it again?
Dia       : switch on the air conditioner, please
The underlined sentence is expression on...

Dialog for number 2-3
Bella    : diko, do you know who is the best actress in Indonesia nowadays?
Diko     : ....? the best actress or artist?
Bella    : ACTRESS
Diko     : oh, according to me Agnes Mo. Her acting is very good.
2.      Who are involved in the dialog?
3.      The suitable expression for the incomplete sentence above is...

Dialog for number 4-5
Mrs. Emi          : well, class. Next Saturday we will have the English Club
Susi                  : excuse me, Mom. I didn’t catch what you just said
Mrs. Emi          : sure. I told you that (5)...
Susi                  : thank you
1.    Repetition
2.    Diko & Bella
3.    I beg your pardon
4.    Can you repeat?
5.    Next Saturday we will have the English Club
·         Setiap soal di jawab benar diberi skor 2
·         Jumlah skor maksimal 2 x 5 = 10
·         Nilai maksimal 10


Mengetahui,                                                                            Paninggahan, Agustus 2017  
Kepala SMPN 1 Junjung Sirih                                                Guru Mata Pelajaran

DRS. SUARDI B.                                                                  RAHMATUN NISA, S.Pd.

NIP. 195812081987031013                                                   NIP. 141000488203005


Sekolah                       : SMPN 1 Junjung Sirih
Mata pelajaran             : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            : IX/1
Topic                           : Asking for Repetition
Alokasi wakt               : 2 X 40 menit
Aspek skill                  : Speaking

I.     Standar Kompetensi
3.Mengungkapkan  makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

II.  Kompetensi Dasar
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman

III.   Indikator
·      Merespon dan menyebutkan ungkapan meminta pengulangan dengan dapat dipercaya, rasa hormat dan perhatian serta tekun.

IV.    Tujuan Pembelajaran
·       Setelah mendengarkan dialog tentang ungkapan meminta pengulangan peserta didik mampu merespon dan menyebutkan ungkapan meminta pengulangan.

V.      Materi Ajar
Asking for repetition is Asking the other speaker to repeat what was said
In formal situation
In informal situation
-          Would you mind repeating what you just said?
-          Would you repeat what you said?
-          Could you repeat what you just said?
-          Could you speak a little louder?
-          Could you speak up, please?
-          Pardon me?
-          I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the last word
-          I’m sorry?
-          Excuse me?
-          What did you say?
-          What was that?
-          Can you repeat that?
-          Sorry, I didn’t catch that
-          Sorry, what did you say?
-          I beg your pardon?
-          What?
-          Pardon?
-          Sorry?
-          Mmm?

VI.   Metode pembelajaran
-          Three phase technique
-          Performance
-          Question answer
-          Giving assignment

VII.Classroom procedures
a. Pre teaching
·         Teacher greets the students
·         Teacher makes brainstorming that related with the topic.
a.      Who is absent today?
b.      I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the last word
·         Teacher explains the material that relates to the topic.

b.     Whilst teaching

a.    Teacher gives the dialogue about the topic.

Situation: Mrs. Rahman and her family are in Bukittinggi for a holiday. They have lunch at the Nasi Kapau restaurant

Waitress                    : can I help you, Ma’am?
Mrs. Rahman            : yes, please. I want to order four plates of rice with “ rendang and dendeng”
Waitress                    : what about your son and your daughter, Ma’am?
Rafi                           : I’m fried chicken without chilly
Rini                           : is there fried chicken with ketchup?
Waitress                    : sorry, I beg your pardon, please?
Mrs. Rahman            : fried chicken without chilly and fried chicken with ketchup
Waitress                    : ok. Ma’am. What kind of drink do you want?
Mrs. Rahman            : a glass of lime tea, lemon tea, and two glasses of lime juice
Waitress                    : sorry, ma’am. Pardon me, please.
Mrs. Rahman            : a glass of lime tea, lemon tea, and two glasses of lime juice
Waitress                    : okay. Thank you, Ma’am. I’ll be back in five minutes.

b.    Teacher reads the dialogue in clearly pronunciation.
c.    Teacher asks the students to follow her.
d.  Teacher divides the students into groups to read the dialogue
e.   Teacher asks some of students to practice the dialogue in pairs in front of the class.
f.    Teacher checks students’ pronunciation.

·           Teacher asks some difficult words around the dialogue
·         Teacher gives meaning by using contextual example
·         Teacher asks some questions to the students
-    Who are in the dialogue?
-    Where the dialog take place?
-    What did Mrs. Rahman  do at Nasi kapau restaurant?
-    What is the order from Rafi?
-    Which does the expression show the repetition?

·         Teacher asks the students to answer the questions orally
·         Teacher discusses students’ answer
ü Waitress, Mrs. Rahman, Rafi, and Rini.
ü At Nasi Kapau restaurant
ü Lunch
ü Fried chicken without chilly
ü Sorry, I beg your pardon, please?
    Sorry Ma’am. Pardon me, please.

·         Give positive feedback toward students’ achievement by saying:
-          Good
-          Very good

·         Check the students’ understanding about the topic.
            - Do you understand about topic today?
            - Can you use the expression?
            - Pardon, please?
            - Any question?

c.    Post teaching
·         Teacher concludes the topic with the students.
·         Teacher gives homework

·       LKS “Competent Students for IX Grade”.
·       Teacher’s creation

Teknik penilaian    : Tes lisan
Bentuk                  : Isian singkat

                 Create dialogs based on the situations!
1.      You want to buy a cassette in a cassette shop. You call your friend to accompany you. You plan to go there at 03.00 p.m. in the afternoon, your friend doesn’t hear you well. He?she wants you to repeat the time you will go. What will both of you say?

2.      You and your mother are in the market, you want to have a hairclip. You tell your mother what you want. Your mother doesn’t hear you well. She asks you to repeat it. What would both of you say?

Student’s creation

Teks benar, tata bahasa benar ucapan benar
Teks benar, tata bahasa benar, ucapan kurang
Teks benar, tata bahasa kurang, ucapan kurang
Teks kurang, tata bahasa kurang, ucapan kurang
Teks salah, tata bacaan salah, ucapan salah

Mengetahui,                                                                            Paninggahan, Agustus 2017  
Kepala SMPN 1 Junjung Sirih                                                Guru Mata Pelajaran

DRS. SUARDI B.                                                                  RAHMATUN NISA, S.Pd.
NIP. 195812081987031013                                                   NIP. 141000488203005